As we have said right from the early days of The Crystal Lodge - this company is about you, not us. It is not just about buying and selling crystal, its also a free to use collector's resource website - everything all in one place for your convenience. We have been asked many questions recently about the more vintage Swarovski pieces, including Variation in Production (VIP), USA exclusives and so on. We thought it would be a great idea to add some information on our website all in one place, so that you can view and download all the information you need to help you identify the older Swarovski crystal products.
You will find that some products feature in more than one factsheet, so there is a little duplication of information, but we felt it was important to include pieces in all the categories that applied to them, rather than direct you back and forth to different factsheets to get more information.
We have also added a new Chinese Zodiac factsheet so you can look at the character traits of each of the 12 animals, and you can use the charts to determine which animal sign you were born under.
We hope you enjoy this addition to our website.
The Crystal Lodge information sheets